Bridge To The Future
As part of our mission, we’re seeking to create a platform for on-going expansionary church growth, depth and mission across Sydney’s Lower North Shore and beyond – a ‘Bridge To The Future’.
Assisting the Senior Pastor, Wardens and Parish Council, our Future Directions Committee oversees the development, implementation and achievement of our ‘Bridge to the Future’ initiatives each year. Our current initiatives are outlined below:
OUR 4TH CHURCH SITE – Replicating the ministry and community engagement success of previous church partnerships / plants – leading to 12-plus Bridge Church congregations by end-2025.
THE BRIDGE NETWORK – An initiative to resource, train, equip and support churches in need, independent of The Bridge Church, across parts of Sydney and beyond, potentially impacting dozens of churches.
SCHOOL OF MINISTRY – A program of pastors in training, interns, ministry development trainees and gap year volunteers – serving The Bridge Church & being trained to lead ministries and other churches in the future.
PROPERTY – Redevelopment and improvements to support the growth and goals of The Bridge Church.
Ways to Play Your Part
PRAY – As we work toward our Bridge to the Future goals, we invite you to join us in prayer – for wisdom and for resources and that God would be glorified.
GET INVOLVED – Whether it’s your time, your gifts, your skills, your presence or enthusiasm, could you have a role to play in being a part of & supporting our Bridge to the Future goals?
GIVE – Please prayerfully consider how God might be leading you to financially support the Bridge to the Future initiative over and above your regular giving.
Giving Details
ACCOUNT NAME: The Bridge Church Future Directions
BSB: 032 097
This can be a one-off or regular donation.
Further Information
Thank you for considering our Bridge to The Future vision. We look forward to sharing our progress and celebrating the impact of your God-given generosity.
If you have additional questions or wish to discuss your plans confidentially, please email