Local Mission

Therefore GO and MAKE DISCIPLES of ALL NATIONS, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Matthew 28:19

Our goal as a mission team is to equip all God’s people at The Bridge Church to innovatively take the gospel to our neighbourhood, networks, and nations.

We want to equip all our members to know & share their testimony and to know & try our 5 steps of evangelism – you’ll find these in our resources section, click on the toolbar below!

We run Explore courses every term (Alpha or Christianity Explored) as well as regular events throughout the year and mission action weeks – click on the toolbar below for more Explore information

Our “Read with Me” program equips our members to read the bible one on one – click on the toolbar below for more info.

At Church, we believe that baptism is a significant symbol of the Gospel and of belonging to Christ’s spiritual body. click on the toolbar below for more information about baptism.


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