Playtime is a playgroup for children aged 0-5 years and their parents or carers. It’s a place for you and your child to have fun and play! It’s also a chance to get out of the house, relax and enjoy a cup of coffee and a chat with other parents and carers.
Activities at Playtime include toys, craft, singing, Bible stories and morning tea. During Playtime, each child’s parent or carer’s supervision is required at all times.
Playtime takes place every week in school terms, 10:00am – Midday. Mondays in Neutral Bay, and Fridays in Kirribilli & Macquarie Park.
Cost is $5 per child (max $10 per family) and we will have contactless tap and go pay set up.
Toys are being cleaned regularly and we are following a COVID safe plan.
Our children’s and youth volunteers have working with children’s checks and our ministries comply with Sydney Anglican Dioceses policies and Safe Ministry standards. For more information click here.
For more details, please contact our Children’s Pastor Naomi.
Kids Church is such fun! Our kids love it, and so do we. It’s a program that caters for children from 6 months old and up.
Kids Church takes place each weekend (Sundays)
Kirribilli 10am | Neutral Bay 10am & 4pm | Macquarie Park 10.30am |
Each week the programme includes singing, dancing, playing, activities, craft and Bible stories. A holiday program takes place at the same times during school holidays.
Jesus says to welcome kids and teach them well. In Mark 9:36 Jesus warmly welcomes children and says that when we do likewise in his name, we welcome him. Serving kids is serving Jesus. The beauty of the gospel is that even a small child can understand that Jesus loves them and died for them, and it is God’s Spirit that reveals this to even their young hearts. How and what we teach our kids has a life-long impact. In training our kids to love and follow Jesus as children, we give them the best gift of life and love possible.
Our children’s and youth volunteers have working with children’s checks and our ministries comply with Sydney Anglican Dioceses policies and Safe Ministry standards. For more information click here.
For more details and to pre-register, please contact our Children’s Pastor Naomi.
Bridge Kids Fridays is our after school club for children in years K-5.
We meet every Friday during school term at Neutral Bay, from 3:15pm – 4.45pm.
Each week the program includes energetic games, engaging bible time, craft and discussion groups.
Our children and youth volunteers love talking to children about Jesus. They all have working with children’s checks and our ministries comply with Sydney Anglican Dioceses policies and Safe Ministry standards. For more information click here.
If you have any questions, please get in contact with our Children’s Pastor Naomi.
Throughout the year, we run a number of fun events for kids!
On pupil free days before the beginning of some school terms, we run events that are an opportunity for Kids in Kindergarten to Year 6, to have a fun day filled with indoor & outdoor activities, craft, games, bible stories & more, with morning tea & lunch provided.
We also have a “mini world cup” football event, that is run by a former pro player and current Coaching Director which is a great afternoon of fun and football! We enjoy the ‘Beautiful Game’ that God has blessed us with, learn some more about how football is being used around the world to bring love, hope and truth to so many, and play a lot of matches, with the goal of one team taking out the title of “Mini World Cup Champions”!
All our leaders are cleared, trained & experienced in working with children.
So if you’re a kid (or parent of one) looking for something terrific things to do, keep an eye on our events pages!