How to give
As Christians, we believe we are the recipients of incredible, undeserved generosity from God. He hasn’t treated us as our sins deserve – but has poured out his mercy and kindness to us – and continues to do so every day!
One of the ways we respond to God’s generosity is to give our money cheerfully and sacrificially to honour God and make Him known.
Almost 100% of our budget comes from the giving of members of our church – that’s you! Please prayerfully consider how you can partner with us in God’s work at The Bridge Church. If you have any questions about giving, click here to read “Common Questions about Giving“
Periodic donations
Having decided what to give, an automated giving arrangement will help to keep us regular in giving to the gospel work at The Bridge Church. We therefore recommend the following: options below.
Note – if you are interested in discussing the option of a limited tax deductible donation, please email accounts@thebridgechurch.org.au.
Internet Banking
(This is our preferred method). You can set up a regular funds transfer direct to The Bridge Church using internet banking. It would be helpful if you could include the site you attend (KB, NB or MP) in the description field. Our bank account details are:
BSB: 032 099
Account number: 637189
Account name: The Bridge Church
Online giving
Online Giving
Credit card or direct debit
You can also set up a recurring offertory payment from your credit card (Mastercard or Visa only) or bank account. Alternatively, you can make a one-off credit card payment via the secure ‘Online Giving’ form. Giving this way has the same benefits as internet banking, however the downside is that the church does incur some bank fees on these transactions.
Cash / cheque
Of course you can still give in cash or via cheque (payable to ‘The Bridge Church’) in the offertory bags each week. Offertory envelopes can also be supplied to you to help you give regularly – simply request a box from the church office, if you are not attending a service.