Global Partners

Kirribilli Gathering
Andrew travels to Ethiopia and Tanzania to train fistula surgeons and to bring the hope of Jesus to women in need.
Email: Mark trains refugees in scripture to evangelize to be fishers of men
Neutral Bay Gathering
Australian Indigenous Ministries Missionary serving the community of Canteen Creek, NT and a Bible translator through Bible League
Richard and Sue Davies work with Australian Indigenous Ministries providing teaching materials, pastoral care and Bible translation. They spend up to 5 months each year ministering in a remote Aboriginal community in central Australia.
They can be reached at The Bible translations can be seen at their website.
A and F are with Pioneers in South East Asia.
A is involved in preaching, training writing expository Christ-centered resources in local language and F is involved in biblical counselling.
Kirribilli Gathering
Rose and Kenny Lloyd are serving Jesus leading student ministry and a church in Port Elizabeth, South Africa.
Toby and MG, along with their three children, are assisting minority communities in South Asia develop their own local language resources and translate the bible.
Neutral Bay Gathering
Serving with SIM South America. Naldy is sharing the gospel in the highlands of Peru.
CMS Missionary serving the community in Gubalanya NT
Matt and Lisa and their five young children serve Jesus ministering to Kunwinjku speakers around the remote Indigenous community of Gunbalanya in the Northern Territory.
Explore is a correspondence course created in Africa for Africa that seeks to equip more and more Christians to explore the Bible for themselves, live out its truth, and share its good news.
Shane and Ruth with their three boys work in Gijón, Spain working alongside the national church desiring to equip and encourage disciple-making disciples. Using Discover Bible Study they invite people to discover God for themselves in his word.
Dan and Liv are serving Jesus in the theological training and equipping of African church leaders at Namibia Evangelical Theological Seminary in Windhoek, Namibia. Liv is also seeking to treat and train locals in the area of women’s health.
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Karina is seeking to reach and disciple university students in France to know Christ as their Lord and Saviour.
Ermal & Sarah Lushi are serving Jesus running Alpha Omega Church, the only bible teaching church in a poor, post-communist community of Peshkopi in Albania.
Daniel and Lillian and their 2 children are preparing to serve the Lord in Central Asia.Â
Following theological education in Sydney, Tawanda and Shupi Masango, along with their three children, are serving Jesus with SIM teaching the Bible and training students at National University of Science and Technology in Bulluwayo, Zimbabwe.Â
Please reach them at
Sally is learning language and culture as she shares the hope of Jesus with Muslim women in the Middle East.Â
Ben and Sally believe everyone should have the opportunity to encounter Jesus Christ. Their ministry is to share the gospel with the people of the many sub-cultures of South West Sydney in a way that those people can understand. Now they seek to make disciples of Christ who themselves make disciples, and they train others in evangelism and cross-cultural ministry for long-term overseas ministry.
S and D are currently training cross-culturally for 6 months in Melbourne at St Andrews Hall with CMS. They are being equipped to go and share Jesus with people in Central Asia who are yet to hear about His saving grace.Â
Middle East
This family is working with migrant workers in a large multicultural church and leaders’ training college in the Middle East. They seek to encourage and equip leaders to take the gospel back to their families, cities and nations, across the region and the world.
Anglicare is a Christian not-for-profit supporting people at all stages of life. Covering Sydney, Blue Mountains, Southern Highlands, Illawarra and Shoalhaven, Anglicare seeks to serve people in need, enrich lives and share the love of Jesus. The Bridge Church partners with Anglicare in various ways. Each year we run Toys n Tucker, which helps put together food and toy hampers for vulnerable families at Christmas.
For more info see

Anglicare Long Bay Prison ministryÂ
Tim Johnson is married to Ali and they have a daughter, Cia. Tim is employed by Anglicare and is one of the prison Chaplains at Long Bay Gaol where he shares the love and Good News of Jesus Christ with inmates, staff, and families, through pastoral care, discipleship, bible studies and chapel services.Â

Voice of the Martyrs
Families of the imprisoned and persecuted in Vietnam
The harassment and persecution of Christians is a worldwide phenomenon. Voice of the Martyrs, through its International Christian Association, works in approximately 50 countries where the Gospel is opposed, supporting those who proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ despite the personal cost. Voice of the Martyrs is committed to supporting Christians wherever they might be found, in countries as diverse as Pakistan, China, India and the Sudan.  Through Voice of the Martyrs our church supports the wives and families of 16 imprisoned pastors and gospel workers in Vietnam.

Compassion Australia
Compassion is a Christian international holistic child development organisation. Through its Child Sponsorship Program, more than 1.8 million children around the world are currently being released from poverty in Jesus’ name. Compassion ministers to children in a way that is Christ centred – by spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ in a culturally relevant, non-coercive way, child focused – focusing on one child at a time, and church based – partnering with local churches in developing countries who can best identify the specific needs of children in their community.Â
Through Compassion, each of our Kids Church congregations sponsor a child in addition to individual members of our church sponsor over 170 children. Compassion works with five local churches in the region of Central Java in Indonesia, to release children from poverty in Jesus’ name.
Website:Â Â