
At church, we believe that prayer is an essential and wonderful part of communicating with God. The Bible encourages us to ‘pray continually’ and prayer is part of everything we do here at church.
Why not join us at our Monthly Central Prayer Gatherings or be part of our 24-7 Prayer initiative. Our Kirribilli church is also open to anyone every Thursday morning for prayer.
Monthly Central Prayer
We pray together to express the fact that we are utterly dependent on God for all things. Other reasons are that it expresses our unity as believers coming together from different congregations, but part of one larger family; it teaches us how to pray as we listen to others, it enriches our fellowship as we meet people from different congregations and different ages and stages of life and faith; and it encourages our soul as we hear of how God has answered the prayers of the saints. That is one reason why our Connect Groups do not meet on the 1st week of each month – to enable us to come together as one family to pray!
We sing, pray set liturgical prayers, pray in smaller groups for our ministries, neighbourhoods and nations, hear answered prayers and pray for the needs of our church family. You don’t need to pray out loud – you can simply come and listen to the prayers of others and just say Amen.
In 2025, Central Prayer will usually rotate around our various locations on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 7:30pm, but we will launch (Feb) & meet mid year (Jul) with gatherings at all of our locations. See below for details:-
Feb: Kirribilli, Neutral Bay & Macquarie Park
Mar: Kirribilli
Apr: Macquarie Park
May: Neutral Bay
Jun: Rozelle
Jul: Kirribilli, Neutral Bay, Macquarie Park & Rozelle
Aug: Kirribilli
Sep: Macquarie Park
Oct: Neutral Bay
Nov: Rozelle
Dec: TBC
24-7 Prayer At The Bridge Church
Introduction: The global 24-7 prayer movement started in 1999 with a small group of students in a warehouse on the south coast of England, has now spread across the earth. To date there are 78 nations and 25,000 prayer rooms registered across the planet. The Bridge Church has now joined this phenomenal move of God!
What?: The first phase of 24-7 prayer across our church consists of a virtual prayer room. By following an online link, church members can register themselves to pray at a particular time of the day (or night!). Ideally, our goal is to cover our church in a continuous stream of prayer, allowing for people’s schedules, life stages and seasons. We also regularly hold in person dedicated days of prayer.
Why?: Simply, we believe that prayer is the very engine room of our faith, the foundation for all that we do and all that we are as children of God and followers of Jesus. The Bible encourages us to pray continuously! (1 Thess 5:17, Phil 4:6, Luke 18:1, Eph 6:18). Since its inception, 24-7 Prayer has seen churches come alive and flourish as God responds to the prayers of his people.
How?: If this sounds like something that you or your prayer partner / small group / family would love to get on board with, follow the link below to book your prayer time slot/s.
The Bridge Church 24-7 Prayer Signup
More info, inspiration & resources for 24-7 Prayer can be found here.
We would love to see our church flourish as a powerful praying community and our church, community and world, positively impacted by the love of Jesus.
Open Church to Pray
Every Thursday morning (730-830am), we open the Kirribilli church building for any members or locals who would like to come along and spend time with God and with each other as we seek God’s presence and pray for the things closest to our hearts and to the heart of God.
We’d love you to join us!