Intern Program

We are passionate about raising up the next generation of leaders of God’s church.

Through our intern program, we hope to train people for a lifetime of serving God, whatever that might look like- whether as a pastor, church planter, bible-college student, secular worker, campus worker or overseas missionary.

To find out more, please download the brochure below or email. We’d love to talk to you to help you answer any questions you have and help you reflect on whether being an intern is for you.

Download Brochure Here.



Sam Buster – I am a country boy from Tamworth. As one of five boys, I naturally love sports & being outside. My main areas of ministry are youth & young adults. I am engaged & soon to be married to Sarah, who also serves at 4pm in kids’ ministry. We are very excited for married life. I am loving every single bit of being an intern. I am based at Neutral Bay in the evening services.

Sarah Cunliffe – I am enjoying the journey God has been leading me on, where I get to share His word & love with so many. It is a privilege to share our Father’s love with unbelievers through our outreach playgroup, Playtime; with kids at Scripture; & with children at 10am Neutral Bay! I am a member of 8am Neutral Bay with my husband, Corey & our four year old daughter, Elise. We also have a son, Jed, who is hanging out with God right now.

Lulu Hyun – I came to Christ at university. Several people’s intentional discipleship was pivotal. Last year, I volunteered in a campus ministry & completed a diploma in counselling. That confirmed my passion & gifts in evangelism & pastoral care. I love discussing Jesus & walking with people as they seek God. This year, I am running the Explore courses at Macquarie Park & meeting up with people one to one for discipleship. I’m married to Rene & speak Mandarin,  some Spanish & Korean. I have a heart for China & would love to return if it’s the Lord’s will.

Chloe Jorgensen – It’s been a delight being involved in children’s ministry for close to 9 years. I have always loved kids and felt drawn towards teaching them about Jesus, helping them form their own personal relationship with God. In my internship, I am involved in the various children’s ministries at our Neutral Bay site (Playtime, Scripture, and Kids Church at our 10am service). I also enjoy walking alongside others through 1:1 discipleship and various other opportunities during the week. I am grateful to God that I have this chance to grow, learn and share the love of Jesus with others through the internship. 

Isobel Pagan – I moved here from the UK in 2023 with my husband, Sam. We’re hoping to be involved in global mission in the future. I’m also passionate about helping churches care well for people who are vulnerable or in difficult circumstances. I love seeing people know Jesus & rest in the freedom & life he offers! In my internship, I’m involved in Wellbeing & Care, BYA (Bridge Young Adults), Everyday English, Kids’ Church, & the 10am & 7pm gatherings at Kirribilli. We’re grateful for this opportunity to learn & build understanding & skills in ministry.

Alejandro Pericas
I grew up in Venezuela & made the move to Australia at the age of 18. Seven years later, I came to accept Jesus after a lifetime of living in atheism & spiritual darkness. I became a Christian through Alpha at The Bridge Church & got baptised in November 2022. My main area of focus is evangelism & I assist with Explore courses. I lead a connect group & help run our housing commission (Greenway) ministry. I left my previous career in financial sales to pursue the internship as I feel convicted that sharing the gospel with others is the most important & rewarding thing I could do, especially having seen how God’s power and grace changed me. I’m at 10am & 7pm Kirribilli. 

If you would like to donate to support any of our interns, please use the form below.

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