9 Jun 2023

Okay Parents – Teens & Mental Health Seminar

Let’s Talk About Teenage Life in the Digital World!

How can you help your teens navigate smart phones, social media and the internet with contentment, resilience and wisdom. How should teenagers tackle all the negativity, weakness, and confusion that comes with the digital age? Learn the reasoning behind resisting the pressures of our time, in a creative way.

Let’s talk about how families can develop the ability to stay happy, strong, and wise enough not just to get by, but to actually do well in the face of the unique challenges of this digital world.

Come along and join us from 6.30pm (while your teens are at Ignite Youth), for some light snacks and mingling with other parents – and we’ll start the parent seminar by 7pm on Friday 9th June. This is also a great opportunity to invite other parents you may know who are also feeling challenged by their teenager’s digital world!

Register here.

Other events

12 Feb 2025
  - 10 Dec 2025


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