Calling all over 55s (or thereabouts!) in our congregations…
We’d love you to be part of our PRIME ministry. Flowing from our love for God and His people, we desire to be a group of older people who are freshly inspired to develop and exercise our gifts and years of experience, both within and beyond The Bridge Church community, through personal, social, relational and spiritual encouragement and care.
Join us for our launch event – an inspirational evening where the focus will be on praise to our God (using songs we’ve loved for many years); having some ‘conversations on the couch’, sharing a vision for the role we have as older people, as well as highlighting and encouraging ministry opportunities … all in the environment of friendly, joyful and encouraging community.
Details are:
Date: Thursday 18th April 2024
Time: 7pm-9pm (with light refreshments included)
Location: Kirribilli Church
Please register HERE by Monday 15th April for catering purposes.
Looking forward to seeing you soon.