Your Lasting Gift to Gospel Work

Thank you for considering a bequest to The Bridge Church. We appreciate your servant-hearted generosity.

The Bridge Church is an Evangelical Church in Sydney, with locations in Kirribilli, Neutral Bay and Macquarie Park. We aspire to be a network of diverse communities of disciples living for Jesus and loving like Jesus, existing to make mature disciples who will innovatively take the Gospel to our neighbourhood, our networks and the nations. We have active and growing ministries in global and local mission, men and women, kids and youth, community and care and we continue to strive to honour God in the way we welcome, connect, teach, and mature people, as we gather under Him.

Wills & Bequests

Having a Will in place allows the people you love to be properly provided for and ensures that any assets are distributed according to your wishes. It also protects those you love from having to try to work out what you may have wanted for your estate amidst what can be a very sad time for them. We would encourage you to receive legal advice from your solicitor when preparing your will to ensure that it is clearly worded and can be validly executed when the time comes. Additionally, it is important to review your Will from time to time to ensure that it still reflects your wishes, particularly if your circumstances change.

Many people also like to consider providing for a community organisation in their Will, knowing that their bequest will be used to benefit others after they are gone. Read on for more information on considering a bequest to The Bridge Church.

Types of Bequests

There are a number of ways you can make provision in your will when considering a bequest to The Bridge Church. These options include:

  • A specific amount of money
  • A percentage of your estate
  • The residue of your estate
  • The whole of your estate

Please discuss these options with your solicitor and whatever option you choose, you should add words such as suggested below.

Suggested Wording

“I give [$X / X% of my estate/the whole of my estate/the rest of my estate] to St John the Baptist Church Kirribilli (also known as The Bridge Church) (ABN 83 529 377 258) [for its general purposes / for (insert specific purpose of your gift)]. A receipt of the Treasurer, for the time being of the Church, will be a sufficient discharge for my executor or trustee.”

Note: If you wish your gift to be used for a specific purpose, please provide details based on options discussed with  the Wardens of The Bridge Church.

Further Information

Thank you again for your generous consideration of making a bequest to The Bridge Church and partnering with us in God’s work. If you have additional questions, wish to discuss your plans confidentially or would like to direct your bequest to a specific area of ministry, please contact the Church Office (+61 2 8920 9810) to speak with our Senior Pastor, Paul Dale. 

Alternaively, please email us at


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